The problem of penis size is very relevant. Many men are looking for ways and devices that can enlarge their penis by at least a few centimeters. An alternative to expensive surgery is a penis enlargement.
An penis enlargement is a mechanical device consisting of 2 rods - it can be plastic or metal, firmly attached to the face. The other end of the device has a curve - adjustable according to individual parameters. The original device kit includes bandages and linings that protect the delicate skin of the phallus.
The device looks unique, without knowing why, many can confuse the expander with a "torture" device. But in fact, the use of the expander is completely safe and, if used properly, will not cause concern. The main thing is to put it on and close it properly.
The principle of operation is simple - male dignity is always in a state of tension, as a result of which the length of the penis lengthens, the cavities of the cavernous bodies expand. The expander stretches not only the skin but also the muscle tissue, which allows you to achieve a lifelong result. Think about what devices are available, how they differ, and when to expect an increase in the penis?
Types of penis enlargers
There are different types of devices. They differ in configuration, cost, manufacturer and other features. A large range allows you to choose the most optimal device that ideally fits the shape of a particular man's penis, and this already increases the chances of a positive result.
Mechanical or bending devices are considered the most popular. The name is associated with the closure of the penis by a loop. Despite the demand, such expanders are gradually leaving the market, as they are replaced by modified models that help to collect centimeters in the penis.
Mechanical expanders are cheap - that's a plus. If you use the device properly, not a divorce, strictly follow the instructions for use. Cons - often leads to negative consequences of use. In the forums, men complain of damage to the foreskin, severe squeezing of the head of the penis, problems with urination and unpleasant tension.
The vacuum expander is visually similar to a vacuum pump. The air is released from it, which creates a negative pressure inside the device. The device is equipped with a pear. Against the background of low pressure, the capillaries in the penis begin to dilate rapidly, arterial blood flow increases and the volume of the cavernosa increases.
Generally, such a device is recommended for men with power or impotence problems. It is necessary to use a lubricant during application - it prevents damage to the penis.
Features of the belt expander:
- Ease of connection;
- Lightweight construction that does not cause discomfort when wearing;
- Positive results with regular use.
The vacuum adhesive system is the most modern device. Suitable for all men without exception - regardless of age and size of the penis.
Advantages and disadvantages of devices

The expander works. This is a fact. But there are nuances, as everywhere. Men report that the expansion of the corpus cavernosa, which causes subsequent penis enlargement, is relatively slow, so there is no need to wait for an immediate result.
The devices are recognized by official medicine. For this reason, if you have any doubts about the suitability of the application, you can always consult a doctor. Urologists recommend that men use an expander instead of penis enlargement.
The undisputed advantage of the expander is the long-term result. Dietary supplements, penis enlargement pills, special creams and ointments have only a temporary effect and the device is permanent.
Advantages of using an expander for penis enlargement:
- Safety of use. A person who agrees to wear the device is less at risk than those who fall under the surgeon's knife. With the help of surgery, you can enlarge the penis faster, but the chances of complications are very high.
- You can use the expander at any age. But there is a nuance - it is very easy to achieve the desired result at a young age after 40-45 years.
- Regular use has a positive effect on sexual performance - in men, erectile function improves, there is an increase in potential, sexual intercourse lasts longer.
- You can choose a device that fits the size of your penis.
- A wide range of models in different price categories - for any wallet
All the shortcomings of the device are directly related to the malfunction of the device. Violation of abrasion technique can cause serious damage - blue discoloration of the penis, blood stasis, swelling.
The rest of the penis enlargement apparatus shows itself only on the positive side.
Results from the use of an enlarger for penis enlargement

As many men are looking for the perfect way to help enlarge their penis, you can find a lot of research on the use of an enlarger on specialized sites. In general, they are significantly different.
Some members of the stronger sex could not wear the expander - it was anxious, painful, intense tension and other reasons. Others note the lack of impact, while others are completely satisfied with the results.
The lack of positive changes can be easily explained - you need to wear the expander regularly for at least 2 months to get the effect. Many people wear the device for a few weeks after measuring their penis and see no change, throwing the device on a remote shelf - it's their fault.
After three months of wearing, you can get the following results:
- The length of the penis increases by 0, 5-2 centimeters;
- The circumference of the reproductive organ increases up to 1 cm;
- The quality of the amplifier improves, the communication time increases.
Of course, this information is approximate, because the effectiveness of the device is affected by various factors. These include a man's age, proper use, and daily use time.
Against the background of external exposure, the penis, like other parts of the body, does not grow rapidly in size. You can't grow your penis 5-10 centimeters in a few weeks or months.
Such results are physiologically impossible even with surgery.
How to improve growth performance?

The fastest growing member is the first 6 months of use. During this time, the reproductive organ can grow 20-25 centimeters from its original size. After six months, the penis begins to grow more slowly, and this is quite normal. Some people think that it is impractical to use the device after a year of operation. But this is not the case.
Indeed, when a man exceeds 35% of the initial parameters, the phallus may not appear to grow - it may not change in 2-3 or even 5 months. But we have to be patient, there will be growth, but it is not so important.
You need to follow certain rules and recommendations to get the desired effect. The following are recommended for men:
- Regular wear - at least 6 hours every day.
- It is necessary to determine the optimal length of the rods. If you create a strong tension, it will not accelerate the growth, but will lead to negative consequences. Some claim that excessive exposure to the penis completely stops growth.
- It is better to divide the total daily application time into sets - approaches. Do 2-3 sets 3-4 times a day.
Of course, it is difficult to believe the effectiveness of the device based solely on the data component. But you can always be sure from the experience of millions of men that their reviews confirm the effectiveness of the enlarger for penis enlargement.